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Win the Chance to Learn to Drive with Young Driver, Age 10+

Learning to drive bundle

5 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners


Learning to drive bundle

E Foxcroft, HARWICH

Learning to drive bundle

P Bills, Halesowen

Learning to drive bundle

J McCarthy, Bridgend

Learning to drive bundle


Learning to drive bundle

We’re offering five lucky people the chance to win a learning to drive bundle worth £70 to help someone become a safe, confident and skilled driver – even if they’re a few years away from being able to pass their test!

The winner will receive a 30-minute Young Driver lesson which can be used by anyone over the age of 10 at one of Young Driver’s 70 UK venues. In addition, they’ll also win three months free access to the Young Driver App, which includes 360-degree VR driving lessons to really help learners refine their skills behind the wheel! The final part of the prize is a book by motoring expert and TV presenter Quentin Willson to help parents and teens navigate the learning to drive journey.

As the UK’s largest driving school for 10-17 year olds, Young Driver has just delivered its one millionth lesson. Learning on realistic road systems with a fully qualified instructor in a dual controlled car is a fun experience for any youngster! They will learn to start, steer, accelerate, change gear and even reverse park, building their confidence and reinforcing valuable safe driving skills.

All experiences can be purchased as booked lessons or gift vouchers. Lessons in a luxurious Bentley, an awesome fire engine, and a classic Morris Minor or Austin 7 are also available – for kids and grown ups! Young Driver’s cool electric Firefly cars also cater for four to 10 year olds.

For more information, or to buy lessons or gift vouchers, visit our website or give us a call.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 23/05/2022.


Learning to drive bundle x5