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Win a year supply of turmeric supplements

One year supply of Turmeric supplement - Curcumin

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

D Tayburn, Preston

One year supply of Turmeric supplement - Curcumin

It may be a little known fact, but turmeric contains the one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory properties on the planet. The issue is, we can't really feel the effects from just ingesting the spice. The agent in turmeric that gives it this powerful relief symptom is curcumin, so turmeric company Bioturm are offering a year supply of curcumin supplements to help relieve joint issues. 

During the winter months, joint pains are more likely to flare up. Arthritis is a condition that affects 10 million people in the U.K. Whilst traditional medicine can offer some relief, the side effects can be severe. Curcumin can offer a natural alternative to sufferers whilst avoiding the side effects. 

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 11/03/2019.


One year supply of Turmeric supplement - Curcumin x1