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Win a box of 6 BLOOM matcha jars– the trendiest superfood in the world

Win a box of 6 BLOOM matcha jars – the trendiest superfood in the world

3 prizes to be won!

Ending in





The world’s largest matcha brand, BLOOM Tea are giving three lucky winners the chance to win a box of 6 jars worth over £100 so they can whisk up some delicious super-food recipes. If you are not feeling creative, simply enjoy the potent green tea powders in hot water. The health benefits of matcha include glowing skin, increase metabolism, helps fight against cancer, a natural source of energy, aids relaxation and calm, an excellent source of fiber, improves cholesterol and more!

BLOOM are also sharing this exclusive matcha coconut ice cream recipe for GoodToKnow readers.


♥         1 coconut (water and coconut meat)

♥         2 ripe bananas

♥         1 cup date paste (12 dates + 300ml water, blended)

♥         2 tbsp coconut butter (melted)

♥         1/3 tsp pure vanilla extract

♥         3 heaping tbsps matcha powder


1. Blend all the ingredients in the blender until the mixture is smooth. Taste for desirable sweetness.

2. Pour the mixture into a glass dish with an air tight lid and place in the freezer for 8-10 hours. Leave out of the freezer for at least 10-15 minutes before serving so its soft enough to scoop into a dish.

3. Serve with cocoa nibs, maple syrup, toasted nuts or fruit!

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 27/09/2017.


Win a box of 6 BLOOM matcha jars – the trendiest superfood in the world x3