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Win tickets to The Emmerdale Studio Experience!

Win a pair of tickets to The Emmerdale Studio Experience!

5 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Step in to the drama and venture behind the camera lens at the all new Emmerdale Studio Experience in Leeds! To celebrate the launch of the enhanced and extended Studio Tours, we’re giving away 5 pairs of tickets so you can see how the stories you remember and how the characters you love are all brought to life.
The Emmerdale Studio Experience will take you on a journey behind the scenes, by shining a light on the production process you’ll get to see how everything fits together. From treading the boards of stunning sets to looking through the archives of preserved props and costumes to the secrets behind stunts and special effects; this is your chance to step into the exciting world of telly. 
With incredible interior sets of The Dingles, The Woolpack and Café Main Street all recreated and woven in to the experience, you’ll be transported in to the thick of such strangely familiar surroundings. Other highlights showcase script-writing scenarios, wardrobe secrets, make-up trickery and lighting, PLUS new for this summer, you can visit even more with live and authentic working sets at ITV’s Television Centre all part of the new two-hour experience!
This is YOUR chance to go behind the scenes and be immersed in the familiar surroundings of Emmerdale and discover first - hand the magic that lies at the heart of ITVs iconic television series.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 14/09/2019.


Win a pair of tickets to The Emmerdale Studio Experience! x5