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Win a PYXEL Coding Robot Dog Toy

A PYXEL™ - The Coding Robot Dog Toy

2 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

D Clarke, Manchester

A PYXEL™ - The Coding Robot Dog Toy


A PYXEL™ - The Coding Robot Dog Toy

PYXEL™ a Coder’s Best Friend from Learning Resources® brings coding to life for children ages 8 and up as they use the real coding languages Blockly and Python to program their PYXEL to do perform amazing tricks, show sweet expressions, change colours, make silly sounds, and more.

PYXEL™ is the interactive robot pet that teaches you tricks! With this coding robot for 8 year old coders, children use a computer or tablet to program PYXEL using real coding languages. Kids can code PYXEL to do lots of things! Watch PYXEL walk, bark, change colour, wag its tail, express emotions, and so much more – all while having lots of fun exploring Blockly or Python. Children can activate the code from their tablet or computer or step away from their device and use the Code Activator. Thanks to PYXEL’s easy-to-use interface and step-by-step instructions, young coders will be coding in minutes, so whether you're a coding pro or a first time coder, PYXEL is ready to be your loyal STEM companion.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 07/05/2024.


A PYXEL™ - The Coding Robot Dog Toy x2